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24/7 Protection
Fastest Alarm Response in the UK

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24/7 Protection

Fastest alarm response in UK

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Alarm Deterrent Signs & Stickers

Alarm signs and stickers deter burglars by warning about surveillance and security equipment around the property. This has a significant impact on intruders who are afraid of being identified by the police, and may stop your house being targeted altogether.

All Verisure customers receive our alarm deterrent signs. Signs come in various sizes so they can fit in different locations around the home or business. We provide stickers to place on doors and windows, and signs to affix to walls and perimeter fences.

Verisure deterrent signs on a window of a family home

Verisure Deterrent Signs are distributed in several sizes so they can be used in different locations around the home/business: on doors, windows or external areas. Verisure Alarm Stickers and Signs warn burglars of the risk they are taking if they try to rob your home or business.

Alarm signs and stickers can be a very effective deterrent, when backed up with the correct alarm technology, and as such Verisure can provide as many deterrent signs as you need to cover your property. Speak to your expert installation technician or our customer service team if you need additional or replacement signs.