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Verisure have been awarded the SafeContractor Seal of Approval by Alcumus SafeContractor.

Alcumus SafeContractor Seal of Approval

SafeContractor is the market-leading health & safety accreditation system, helping contractors and organisations become healthier, safer and stronger.

Being SafeContractor Approved means that we abide by a rigorous set of health and safety requirements which not only make a positive impact on our staff but also our customers.

Alcumus SafeContractor is an SSIP accreditation body, providing contractors with a jargon free health and safety assessment, reassuring their clients they are working to a high standard.

SafeContractor carries out a high-level assessment of Verisure’s Health and Safety process, documentation and training in order to assure we operate to the accreditation standard. To meet the criteria, several levels/ factors need to met with clear definition for every part of our business.

Verisure Alarm Central Unit

Further information about SafeContractor and its accreditation can be found on their website https://www.safecontractor.com/