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Home Security Tips


Home Security Tips

Learn how to protect your home and your family. Discover our top home security tips regarding the safety of your property and that of your loved ones.

  • Safety and security for your home
    Stop thieves from watching you and discovering your habits
    burglar deterrent

    Vary the routes you take home and the times when you arrive home from work. Check regularly to ensure that you're not being followed. Keep your eyes open for unfamiliar cars or people in the vicinity of your home during several consecutive days.

  • Safety and security for your home
    Keep all doors and windows tightly shut
    shock sensor on window

    Ensure that all access points into your home are locked properly when you are not home. Intruders must be faced with the utmost difficulty when attempting a break in. This can be crucial to foil their attempts.

  • Safety and security for your home
    Avoid commenting on your holiday plans on social-network websites
    Tightly shut doors and windows

    These days, it is very common to disclose our plans on social networks. Telling everyone about a prolonged absence from your home on social media is just one more invitation to burglars. Verisure advises you to refrain from doing this.

  • Safety and security for your home
    Always lock doors and never hide a key near your home
    svk arming

    It is important that you lock all doors with keys, and it is highly advisable that each door has two locks. Never leave a spare key anywhere near your home. That is where thieves will look first, and you don’t want to make their work a whole lot easier.

  • Safety and security for your home
    Ensure that all external and internal spaces on your premises are well-lit
    well lit protected room

    A simple way of deterring thieves is to have adequate lighting both inside and outside the building. Ensure that no doors or parking areas are in darkness at night. To improve the security of your business or home, you also can use the Verisure Alarm perimeter detector.

  • Safety and security for your home
    Give the impression that someone is home
    smart plug

    To prevent thieves from targeting your home, it must seem like it is occupied during prolonged absences, e.g., during weekend trips or holidays. New technology now makes it possible to programme the lights and other appliances to switch on and off at certain times. It also is advisable to ask a person whom you trust to pick up your mail on a regular basis.